
  • Sumi the Burmese Cat Road Tripping Australia

    It’s always a pleasure meeting other travellers on the road. It’s even more of a pleasure when they also travel with their cat! Meet Sumi By chance Willow and I were spotted by one of Sumi’s travelling staff members (or servants as theyย more realistically put it). Willow and I were out taking some photos at…

    Read more: Sumi the Burmese Cat Road Tripping Australia

  • What is That Around Willow’s Collar?

    It’s a tracker! – Well actually it’s two different tracking units. Using a tracking collar is no substitute for actively supervising your cat outdoors. Please consider your cat’s safety and the environment/wildlife before you let your cat off leash. Please never let your cat roam. Light blueย circle – Tabcatย and it is the best, easiest to…

    Read more: What is That Around Willow’s Collar?

  • Life in the Mangroves with a Little Cat

    One of the greatest things about nomadic life is that you never really know where youย are going to end up. This thought would have provoked fear in my heart years ago, but for now it is a way of life. The realisation that you have everything you need with you and nowhere in particular you…

    Read more: Life in the Mangroves with a Little Cat

  • 14th Aug, 2017

    Little cat, big dreams I took this pic the other week when we were camped at the old school/military base. I saw this old swing set and just had to take a pic of Willow posing!

    Read more: 14th Aug, 2017

  • 16th Jun, 2017

    Our weeks now are so familiar I will share one with you. We will start in town, time to do my washing at the laundromat, fill up the van and get fuel for the generator. At the supermarket and farmer’s market I will stock up on basics and make the most of the clearance section.…

    Read more: 16th Jun, 2017

  • Two whole years on the road!

    In 2016 we celebrated a year on the road and I joked about how we had only made it as far as central Qld. Today, we celebrate two years and although we have put in some serious ‘kilometerage’ through the NT and WA completing our visit to every state, we have still not finished our…

    Read more: Two whole years on the road!

  • Meet Helga – cat princess of the forest

    If you visit Skรฅne in the south of Sweden you’ll be met with a wilderness wonderland with thick forests, endless plains and beaches, and dramatic clifftops dropping straight into the ocean. Anย area known to hikers for its thousands of kilometres of trails crisscrossing through endless National Parks and reserves. But find yourself on one of…

    Read more: Meet Helga – cat princess of the forest

  • Find the best pet tracker for your cat

    Note: Using a tracking collar is no substitute for actively supervising your cat outdoors. Please consider your cat’s safety and the environment/wildlife before you let your cat off leash. Please never let your cat roam. Ever wondered which cupboard your indoor cat is hiding in? Do you want the confidence that your adventure cat is…

    Read more: Find the best pet tracker for your cat

  • Tank Cat Strikes Again

    Ughh! Careful Willow! I’m not sure if cats are allowed to drive tanks! We passed through a military testing area on our way to Bald Hill Beach and found this Leopard 1A4 on display. They were in service in the Australian army from 1976-2007. Fortunately they never saw battle and now many are on display…

    Read more: Tank Cat Strikes Again

  • 25th Mar, 2017

    I took this photo at sunset on the Nullabor just after we reached South Australia. The Sun had just hit the horizon and for a moment the sky was bright orange. The sea mist formed a haze over the cliffs of the Great Australian Bight in the background. I sat and watched with little Willow…

    Read more: 25th Mar, 2017

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