
  • Marco Polo Pet Tracker Review

    Note: Using a tracking collar is no substitute for actively supervising your cat outdoors. Please consider your cat’s safety and the environment/wildlife before you let your cat off leash. Please never let your cat roam. We tested and reviewed the Marco Polo Pet Tracker on Willow the adventure cat. Discover its features and find out…

    Read more: Marco Polo Pet Tracker Review

  • 15th Mar, 2017

    The house is a mess but the backyard is looking good. If it’s all too much, it might be time to step outside. When we arrive at camp Willow is quick to get out and have an explore. She will survey her new backyard for 10 minutes or so then it’s time for another nap.…

    Read more: 15th Mar, 2017

  • 11th Mar, 2017

    We just visited Port Lincoln where I had to spend the last half hour explaining to Willow that no they have not made this bronze statue in her honour. This is Matthew Flinders and his black cat Trim who joined him as he circumnavigated Australia in 1801-1803. Sound familiar?

    Read more: 11th Mar, 2017

  • 9th Mar, 2017

    This cat spends a lot of time at the beach.

    Read more: 9th Mar, 2017

  • 2nd Mar, 2017

    This snap was taken at the WA SA border a few days ago as Willow finally visited every state and territory in Australia. So proud of this cat!

    Read more: 2nd Mar, 2017

  • Visiting Every State in Australia

    M I L E S T O N E ~ After 658 days of travel, leaving our hometown in May 2015, this little black adventure cat has achieved what some house cats could only dream of. As of this morning we have now finally passed into South Australia after 7 months in Western Australia. This…

    Read more: Visiting Every State in Australia

  • 24th Feb, 2017

    Another pic I took the other day. Butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth. Except when she’s waking me up in the middle of the night for food/cuddles! I want to know what your cat does to get your attention at night? Willow likes to rustle around in whatever she can find..

    Read more: 24th Feb, 2017

  • 21st Feb, 2017

    Willow is all tucked in ready for another day in bed. But I don’t blame her. It’s rainy outside today in Esperance, WA and last night we had electrical storms. I think I might go back to bed as well. Smart cat.

    Read more: 21st Feb, 2017

  • 19th Feb, 2017

    This cat. Bathes for hours a day then undoes all her hard work by rolling around in the dirt.

    Read more: 19th Feb, 2017

  • 19th Feb, 2017

    We camped near some ruins at an old salt works that was shutdown in the 1980’s. A lot of the old machinary was just left there to rust. Before dinner we went for a walk as the sun was setting. After Willow had a dust bath I followed her around taking some photos as she…

    Read more: 19th Feb, 2017

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