
  • 28th Jun, 2017

    That time we travelled along the 90 Mile Straight on our way into South Australia. The sides of the road were littered with car wrecks that didn’t quite make the journey. After long days driving we camped at some beautiful places over the Great Australian Bight.

    Read more: 28th Jun, 2017

  • 16th Jun, 2017

    Our weeks now are so familiar I will share one with you. We will start in town, time to do my washing at the laundromat, fill up the van and get fuel for the generator. At the supermarket and farmer’s market I will stock up on basics and make the most of the clearance section.…

    Read more: 16th Jun, 2017

  • 8th Jun, 2017

    Very grateful for clear sunny days as we head deeper into winter. Will be stocking up on hot water bottles and maybe even an electric blanket when we go to town next! I have found that placing the cat in sun during the day for a few hours allows it to radiate that heat back…

    Read more: 8th Jun, 2017

  • 29th May, 2017

    During the day Willow has been sleeping in a cardboard box on the front seat. It’s a sunny spot and she can watch the world go by outside. Needing to throw the box out, and not wanting to break her heart, I finally got around to getting the sewing machine out yesterday to make her…

    Read more: 29th May, 2017

  • 27th May, 2017

    Parked at the beach on the edge of the mangroves, we had just finished dinner and it was time to go for a little walk. So I open the door to let Willow out and what I heard next both startled and confused me. Ka-splash!!! I look down and Willow is looking back up at…

    Read more: 27th May, 2017

  • 17th May, 2017

    When Willow isn’t curled up on my bed she is sitting outside watching the world go by. At the end of the afternoon when it gets cooler she comes inside and makes herself cosy again in the van as I cook dinner.

    Read more: 17th May, 2017

  • 2nd May, 2017

    O Willow! My shadow, always by my side; My light, making every day brighter!

    Read more: 2nd May, 2017

  • 24th Apr, 2017

    Rainy day in the van as I figure out where we are going to stay tonight. When I play this mini harmonica Willow instantly jumps onto the bed, comes right up to me to investigate, then lies on my chest purring! It must be the high pitched sound that intrigues her. #piedpiperofcats

    Read more: 24th Apr, 2017

  • 10th Apr, 2017

    Is this it? Is this our camp?

    Read more: 10th Apr, 2017

  • 3rd Apr, 2017

    Where are we going today Willow?

    Read more: 3rd Apr, 2017

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