
  • 3rd Oct, 2016

    Willow’s coat is looking browner every day. At first I thought it was because of the red Pilbara dust but it’s been weeks since we have come South. We haven’t been driving very far the past week, relaxing in the forest and waiting for the rain to clear and that Western Australian sun that we…

    Read more: 3rd Oct, 2016

  • 22nd Sep, 2016

    500 days on the road with a little black adventure cat. Oh the places we have seen. To just sit on a log and quietly take it all in. And naps. Oh so many naps!

    Read more: 22nd Sep, 2016

  • 13th Sep, 2016

    This pic was taken 2 weeks ago near Geraldton, Western Australia. I have just had a week in Melbourne for my friend’s wedding and got to catch up with so many old mates. I have now flown back to WA and Willow and I are very happy to be reunited. Now heading South of Perth…

    Read more: 13th Sep, 2016

  • 23rd Aug, 2016

    Today Willow is a beach cat

    Read more: 23rd Aug, 2016

  • 18th Aug, 2016

    Somedays are for working, some for travelling, but not today. Today is for parking at the beach and watching the waves. See them break over the reef while the afternoon sun fills the van with warmth as a little black adventure cat purrs contentedly. The sun will set just in time for us to briefly…

    Read more: 18th Aug, 2016

  • Galena Bridge, WA

    In August 2016 we travelled South from Carnarvon on our way to Geraldton. The town of Carnarvon once hosted a space tracking station operated by NASA in the 1960’s that was used for human spaceflight missionsย such as the Gemini and Apollo programs. Nowadaysย a museum celebratesย Australia’s rather understated involvement in these missions. Carnarvon is also a…

    Read more: Galena Bridge, WA

  • 11th Aug, 2016

    We have just had 5 memorable days on the Coral Coast at Gnaraloo Station, WA. No internet access, snorkeling on the reefs, great company, and of course one dusty little adventure cat!

    Read more: 11th Aug, 2016

  • 5th Aug, 2016

    450 days on the road with a little black adventure cat.

    Read more: 5th Aug, 2016

  • 27th Jul, 2016

    We are on our way from Karratha to Exmouth, WA. Who knows what we’ll find on the way!

    Read more: 27th Jul, 2016

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