Our Stories

  • 1st Apr, 2018

    1st Apr, 2018

    Okay. You get one photo. Any more and I rip these bunny ears and your face to shreds!

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  • 30th Mar, 2018

    30th Mar, 2018

    Jelly beans!

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  • 28th Mar, 2018

    28th Mar, 2018

    If Willow goes missing at grandmas you can guarantee we will find her upstairs having a nap on this chair!

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  • 26th Mar, 2018

    26th Mar, 2018

    When we drop into grandma’s house Willow will go into the laundry to check if the dryer has been on. If so she will have an extra warm spot to sit all afternoon!

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  • 25th Mar, 2018

    25th Mar, 2018

    Met this dog on the beach. I asked the owner if it was a Kelpie-Dalmatian cross and he said “No, it’s a mystery!”

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  • Tabcat Tracker Review for Indoor and Outdoor Cats

    Tabcat Tracker Review for Indoor and Outdoor Cats

    Note: Using a tracking collar is no substitute for actively supervising your cat outdoors. Please consider your cat’s safety and the environment/wildlife before you let your cat off leash. Please never let your cat roam. Before Willow and I started our nomadic life around Australia I did a lot of research and reading many a…

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  • 23rd Mar, 2018

    23rd Mar, 2018

    The sweetest little travelling companion ❤️😺

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  • 19th Mar, 2018

    19th Mar, 2018

    When you hear a fish jumping in the river and it scares the bejeezers out of you. It has rained a lot this week. We are dreaming of dry warm Queensland winters. Less than a month until we leave Tasmania again.

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  • 18th Mar, 2018

    18th Mar, 2018

    Time for a scratch on a log

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  • How to Photograph a Cat

    How to Photograph a Cat

    Ever wondered what goes on at a Van Cat Meow photo shoot? Well some days things go really smoothly – and others? Well I’ll let you see for yourself. What a fiasco! But all’s well that ends well. Here is one of the final photos from our shoot.

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