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Tabcat Tracker Review for Indoor and Outdoor Cats

Note: Using a tracking collar is no substitute for actively supervising your cat outdoors. Please consider your cat’s safety and the environment/wildlife before you let your cat off leash. Please never let your cat roam.
Before Willow and I started our nomadic life around Australia I did a lot of research and reading many a review on how to keep her safe on our travels. After all she is the most precious thing I own!
PROMO CODE:Â If you buy a TabCat at remember to use code VANCAT5 to get 5% off.
When you think about tracking collars ‘GPS’ might be the first thing to come to mind. Despite what many reviews will say GPS is not suitable for tracking a cat. It is inaccurate and consumes a lot of power. Other technologies such as 3G and bluetooth also have their downfalls.
Read about other pet trackers for cats.
Read about the Tabcat direct on their website.
The Tabcat is perfect for cats that like to play hide’n’seek.
What I learnt from Willow is that as I gave her a treat when I get to her, it didn’t take long for her to associate the beeping with that reward and she would make her way to me herself.
Another cool thing is that there is a button on the handset which turns off the audio on the handset. You can use this when you would rather listen to the beep coming from the tag. This is a very handy and effective way to locate the pet with just your ears.
One concern I had when I first purchased the Tabcat was the range, 122 metres. At first this seemed quite small but as I tested it out I soon found that it was more than enough. But the proof of the pudding is in the eating – the Tabcat tracker quickly impressed in how quickly and accurately it could find Willow.
Read more about the Tabcat on their website.

Radio Frequency Works Best
Willow wears a Tabcat pet tracker from Loc8tor. We have been using Loc8tor products since just before we left on our trip back in May 2015. In that time it has proved to be invaluable. The Tabcat tracker uses radio frequency technology to accurately locate your pet. It consists of a tag which attaches to your cats collar and a handset for locating them. Each handset can be used to track four pets.
How does it work?
When you need to find your cat you turn on the handset and press the button for the pet you wish to track. After a moment the handset will light up and start beeping. As you use these visual and audio cues to move closer to your pet the lights and beeping will intensify as the signal gets stronger. Soon your pet will be back in your arms!
How does it compare to other products?
The reality is that there are not many products that come close to the Tabcat tracker. Most are heavily restricted by poor battery life, bulky units, and inaccuracy. Note: the TabCat is light enough to use on kittens. The battery life of the Tabcat tracker can exceed 3 months. To put this into perspective, most GPS and 3G trackers last 4 days before needing a recharge. The product which I believe comes close is the Marco Polo. It also uses radio frequency technology but although the range is much farther, the unit is larger and battery life is not as long. Read our review of the Marco Polo Tracker.
Times the Tabcat tracker has saved my butt
- The time Willow did a sneaky jump out of the sliding door into the bushes and I had to nab her quickly.
- The time I panicked when I couldn’t find her in the van, turned on the tracker and discovered her napping in the cupboard.
- The time she snuck under the bed and was no where to be seen.

Tips on using the Tabcat
- As soon as you get the unit, set it up, then practice locating your cat. This will make sure you are familiar with how it works when you need it most.
- If you are unable to get a signal straight away, start walking around until you do.
- When you are walking around seeking a stronger signal step quietly and softly call out.
- When you have located your cat don’t rush in. They may decide to hide further if they are scared. Stay calm, softly call them, and either let them come to you, or gently make your way to them.
- Give them a treat. They will learn to associate the beeping on their collar with the reward and quickly come to you!

I get a lot of questions about tracking cats and the Tabcat along with the Marco Polo are the only trackers that I can recommend.
The Tabcat tracker is easy to use, lightweight, has excellent battery life, and is affordable. But most of all it just works! That is the peace of mind you need for indoor cats and outdoor cats alike.
PROMO CODE:Â If you buy a TabCat at remember to use code VANCAT5 to get 5% off.
Read more about the Tabcat on their website.
Note: Using a tracking collar is no substitute for actively supervising your cat outdoors. Please consider your cat’s safety and the environment/wildlife before you let your cat off leash. Please never let your cat roam.
Van Cat Meow
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