
  • 24th Aug, 2017

    Yesterday in between the rain showers we did a little photoshoot. โค๏ธ I’m going to share the rest of the pics soon but I just had to show you this one how proud does Willow look standing tall outside her home of nearly 3 years!? Unfortunately on the other end of the lens was no…

    Read more: 24th Aug, 2017

  • 19th Aug, 2017

    #caturday is for having a bath in the sun. 😺 Even on cold mornings it doesn’t take too long for the van to warm up nice and cosy. 🌅 I used to have suction-on solar shields for the back windows but I recently sewed up some curtains. I used heat block fabric as backing so…

    Read more: 19th Aug, 2017

  • 14th Aug, 2017

    Little cat, big dreams I took this pic the other week when we were camped at the old school/military base. I saw this old swing set and just had to take a pic of Willow posing!

    Read more: 14th Aug, 2017

  • 10th Apr, 2017

    Is this it? Is this our camp?

    Read more: 10th Apr, 2017

  • 2nd Apr, 2017

    It’s a cooler week here near Adelaide but it doesn’t stop Willow from taking her naps under the van. Willow has many favourite nap spots on and around the van, her designated safe places. It’s the one thing that remains consistent as we move from one place to the next. On really hot days she…

    Read more: 2nd Apr, 2017

  • Tank Cat Strikes Again

    Ughh! Careful Willow! I’m not sure if cats are allowed to drive tanks! We passed through a military testing area on our way to Bald Hill Beach and found this Leopard 1A4 on display. They were in service in the Australian army from 1976-2007. Fortunately they never saw battle and now many are on display…

    Read more: Tank Cat Strikes Again

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