
  • 23rd Nov, 2017

    Still surprises me how Willow adapts to new places. Staying at my favourite shack sheโ€™s been borrowing the dog bed! Thanks Archie!

    Read more: 23rd Nov, 2017

  • 22nd Nov, 2017

    Bay of Fires was one of the first places we visited with our van. Today we return after 3 years. Willow loves rolling in the sand but the roaring waves scare her.

    Read more: 22nd Nov, 2017

  • 20th Nov, 2017

    First day in Tasmania after disembarking the ferry at 6am. The Big Platypus in Latrobe. Didnโ€™t get to see an actual platypus in the river although we looked. We then had a 2 hour nap before driving to the East Coast. *platypus not to scale

    Read more: 20th Nov, 2017

  • 17th Nov, 2017

    After a 12 hour ferry trip we now have our paws firmly on Tasmanian soil. This little cat Officially made it all the way around Australia. I will be posting an article about our experience on the ferry soon, and also on our travels down from Adelaide and the Great Ocean Road! For now.. nap…

    Read more: 17th Nov, 2017

  • 10th Nov, 2017

    We stayed the night at this beautiful little lake and watched the sunset across the water. The grass had been mowed so we had lots of room to play. We had the whole place to ourselves.

    Read more: 10th Nov, 2017

  • 19th Oct, 2017

    A favourite spot for Willow is on the floor looking out the side door. Makes it very difficult for me to get into the food drawers I think she knows that!

    Read more: 19th Oct, 2017

  • 19th Aug, 2017

    #caturday is for having a bath in the sun. 😺 Even on cold mornings it doesn’t take too long for the van to warm up nice and cosy. 🌅 I used to have suction-on solar shields for the back windows but I recently sewed up some curtains. I used heat block fabric as backing so…

    Read more: 19th Aug, 2017

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